Our Christian Response to COVID-19⁠

This Coronavirus pandemic presents us, the church, with an unprecedented opportunity for demonstrating Christ to our community. John 16:33 says 'These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage, I have overcome the world'. We are the carriers of His peace to our friends, family and wider community at this time.⁠

For yourselves, I encourage you to read your Bible and find the passages that speak hope and faith to you. Position yourself in prayer and declare the truth of His Word over your life. The following passages are a great starting point: Ps 91: 1-11, John 14:27, 2 Thes 3.16.⁠

For your communities, I encourage you to retain connection. Reach out to people around you and don't lose heart in doing good (Gal 6:9). Compassion and love are of paramount importance at all times but especially now. We can turn this pandemic into a major move of God by simply tuning in with those around us.⁠

For the members of Encounter Church, now is the time to make sure you're linked in with a connect group. Our leaders are committed to staying in touch with you and connecting you with additional pastoral care if required. We want to make sure you're getting the ministry you need and have a safe place to talk. ⁠

We should be concerned about what is happening around us and be compliant with medical advice. But that is where it ends in the sense that we need not worry (Mat 6:31-34). Because in the face of all of this, we have Jesus Christ Himself. He is our salvation. We have His love; we have His peace; we have His promise of provision and protection; we have His joy; and we have His presence with us always - at all times.⁠

Should you need support or prayer during this time, please TXT connect or prayer to 5863, and a leader from Encounter Church will be in touch with you shortly. 


Brent Douglas.